Hyderabad, February 05: Disabled persons demanding pension of Rs 1500 along with other pending demands are back under MRPS leader and Vikanlangula Hakkula Porata Samiti founder president Manda Krishna Madiga, and this time they threaten to lay 'siege to Assembly' on February 26, if the State Government failed to concede their demands.
Announcing this here today before media, Krishna Madiga said to bring pressure on the State Government, they will also organise 'Siege Collectorates' on February 11 and 'Siege Mandal Offices' on February 16 in the State.
Likewise, in Hyderabad, VHPS will organise relay hunger strikes from February 11 to 25.
VHPS state convenor Kolli Nageshwar Rao said if the State Government still ignores the demands of VHPS, they would be forced to lay Siege Assembly on February 26.
"In this regard, we are also seeking support from weaker section associations, caste organisations, employees federations and students outfits," he added.
Source: http://www.siasat.com/
Back to TopA day in court for disabled people
KOLKATA, Feb. 4: In a move to recognise the plight of physically disabled persons, the first Lok Adalat session for cases related to these persons in Barasat sub–division of North 24–Parganas was held at Barasat yesterday. A bench comprising Mr Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose, Mr Justice Ranjit Kumar Mitra and Mr Justice Prabir Samanta of Calcutta High Court and Ms Bandana Roy, the chief judicial magistrate of Barasat disposed of 417 cases in the Lok Adalat session.
Most of the complaints that were heard related to cases of harassment in private and state government buses.
Physically disabled persons alleged that most of the time, the seats reserved for them in buses are occupied by ordinary people, who often refuse to vacate the seats.
They also complained to the judges that even after furnishing proof, they are not allowed to have a seat in the buses and face harassment from both co–passengers as well as the bus driver and conductor. They alleged that the worst offenders are the drivers and conductors of state government buses who do not cooperate with them and instead misbehave and use foul language.
Ms Samina Bibi, a resident of Kalapara in Barasat and Ms Nargis Khatun, a resident of Dhokra had come to the court room seeking redressal for their plight. While Ms Phuljehar Bibi, a resident of Matiyar, alleged before the bench that though she has to beg for a living, she has not been provided with any Below Poverty Level (BPL) card.
She also alleged she has been denied a house under the Indira Abasan project.
Ms Bandana Roy, the chief judicial magistrate of Barasat said: "Through this Lok Adalat session we want to convey a message to physically disabled persons that we really want to stand by them. We know that they are subjected to harassment from various quarters and in order to minimise such acts and also to give a ray of hope to these people we organised this Lok Adalat."
Barasat court registrar, Mr Mukul Kundu said the session, the first of its kind, was arranged for swift disposal of cases relating to disabled people
The Lok Adalat session was organised by the legal assistance committee of the Barasat Court and the Calcutta High Court.
Source: http://www.thestatesman.net
Back to TopIndian Parliament portal to be disabled–friendly
NEW DELHI, February 04: The Indian Parliament website would soon become disabled–friendly, thanks to a text–to–speech technology to be provided by IBM.
IBM is facilitating to make the portal disabled–friendly, by licensing the technology through the government–owned Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C–DAC).
"IBM has licensed the text–to–speech (TTS) technology through C–DAC for enabling the Indian parliament website. The TTS will be first available in English and is to be extended to other Indian languages starting with Hindi," a highly–placed IBM official told CyberMedia News.
"The TTS technology has been developed at the India Research Labs of IBM in Delhi and is to be integrated with other applications such as WordPad, text pad, spreadsheets and email clients," the official informed.
The TTS technology code named – Shrutlekhan–Rajbhasha is part of IBM and C–DAC's joint research project MANTRA–Rajbhasha.
The joint research project will also ensure accuracy in translation from English to Hindi the domain of administration, finance, agriculture and small–scale industry. The Department of Official Language, under the Home Ministry, is sponsoring the project.
Source: http://www.chennaionline.com
Back to TopJob fair for disabled people
CHENNAI: Live Connections, an agency that specialises in placing professionals in various sectors, is organising a job fair for disabled persons at MCC Higher Secondary School, Chetpet, on Saturday.
The event titled 'Livenable–08' is a non–profit initiative and aims to provide a platform for disabled job seekers.
Several corporates from fields such as information technology and banking would participate in the fair. Entry is free for the event, said a press release.
Source: http://www.hindu.com/2008/02/02/stories/2008020258030200.htm
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